Thank you for paying your bill. The payment options include:
Zelle Payment:
Check made out to Rephana Medical Group, Inc. and mailed to 5850 W 3rd st #132, Los Angeles CA 90036
For credit card payments please call Juli at (424) 272 0879.
For any Billing questions, please call (424) 272 0879 or email
Membership Fee
In order to provide high-quality care in this private practice setting, we charge an annual membership fee of $250. For non-members, additional adminstrative fees for non-covered services will apply. Please speak to the office staff for details.
Insurance Information
Dr. Shanblatt accepts Medicare and most POS, PPO, and EPO plans, including Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, United Healthcare, and others. Please be aware that not all charges and services are covered by insurance. Most insurance plans pay 100% of the charges for preventive services like your annual check up. We recommend that you contact your insurance carrier to discuss what is covered under your plan. We do not accept HMO plans, Medicaid, Medi-Cal, or LA-Care.
If you do not have insurance, please contact us for our fee schedule.
Please be prepared to pay your Copay at the time of your visit. The amount is shown on your insurance card.
We accept cash, check, or credit cards for payment. We are happy to provide you with a receipt for tax or reimbursement purposes.